GVG Guild Lookin to improve
Da Knights That Say Ni [EKKI] is currently looking for core gvg'ers to help build our team. We are an established guild that has been together for well over a year. We are on the lookout for callers, monks, and versatile people. If you are a midliner, we welcome fill ins. We are always helpful and try to have fun. We also participate in HA and TA with a pinch of PvE when bored. We do not require GvG to join but participation in some type of PvP is important.
18+ preferred.But younger is fine
Rank 3 Prefer ++++
Vent and mic required.
Most GvG's are between 7pm and 12pm eastern on weekdays and anytime on the weekends
Find us at DaKnights.guildportal.com or pm us in-game.
Neph D
Re Re Roll
Dreadknight Cronos
Old Heals